Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Audrey Gleave Murder Case- If Dogs Could Talk...

Who: Audrey Gleaves' two German shepherds.
What: People are wondering if these two dogs saw anything happen to their dead owner.
Where: Audrey Gleaves has been rumoured to being murdered in her own garage, where the dogs were unable to reach her. The two dogs are now being assembled in their new home with new owners and two unfamiliar dogs.
When: After Audrey's murder (December 2010), the dogs were taken away, and later adopted by a married couple.
Why: The two dogs were adopted again because their recent owner was brutally killed. The police wish that these animals could speak because they might know what happened during the murder. The dogs also performed DNA testing, probably to see if the murderer left behind a piece of hair or something symbolizing them. But no one knows for a fact.
How: The dogs played roles in the murder investigation; taking their blood and DNA samples, but the reason is undefined.
 I don't think this information changes what we knew before. I did however, find it interesting because we learned that one of the dogs doesn't like going into his cage anymore, as if he heard or saw something of Audrey's death, while he was locked away in there. Also, the dogs are adjusting to their new home apparently, but if their former owner was to be there with them at this moment, there is no way they would forget about her.

Hunger Games Article

                        Explosion That Killed Many- An Accident?
                                      The Truth Comes Out 
By: Taylor M.

Panem, District 12- Seven courageous young men lost their lives in a serious mining explosion five years ago, in the year 2013., where they say it was not an accident at all. Many believe that they were killed for punishment, or it was just a simple, sinister accident.
            Many of the fathers that were killed left behind families, that received awards for their own courage. Two of these children, became best friends. Gale Hawthorne and Katniss Everdeen.
            Only five years later, the Capitol has been able to figure it all out. It was all due to a journal belonging to a witness, who was in the blasts that night. He tried to stop the miners from leaving early, there were others down the shaft. In a page of his journal, he wrote, “I can’t believe our bosses deserted us to fend for ourselves in this unsafe place.”
Men trying to find and assist a broken-bodied partner.
            But as they went, the witness miner stayed. Before he knew what was happening, the gas temperature was high, and the rubbing oil was thrown about. There he saw the flames that engulfed the lower shaft. There was no way to save them. Only time to save himself.
            There it took five years for the truth to come out about what happened at the mining site that killed so many. But even knowing this, the incident left many lives scarred.